
Real test of Love, Maturity & Greatness

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Love is a word that is used very loosely in the society in which we live. People consistently profess their love to one another, but at the first instance of proving that professed love, they vanish like a magician’s trick.  The biblical definition of love as expressed in the book of Corinthians is almost nonexistent like a unicorn or purple squirrel. That is because in our society people practice loving each other momentarily when all is going well. However, as soon as the sky turns bleak they run. The Bible, however, teaches us that loves endures ALL things, believes ALL things, suffers long, think no evil, is not easily provoked, etc. It is in practicing these things that we will develop maturity.  Getting to a place of maturity is necessary to achieve greatness. As strange as it may seem age does not constitute a person’s maturity. Maturity is hinged on a person’s ability to consistently display the characteristics of love as defined biblically. As such life has a way of creating perfect opportunities called ‘challenges’ to test our level of maturity to determine whether or not we are ready for greatness.

The true test of love, maturity, and greatness comes when we are able to make the hero out of someone who has done us wrong (lie, neglect, backbite, backstab, character assassination, etc.). Whenever we are faced with such challenges, we initially think it is impossible to do good to those individuals much more to make a hero out of them. Truth be told we often think of ways to get even with them, or secretly wish that what they have dished out to us will be served to them in a greater portion. Giving them a dose of their own medicine so to speak. However, that is not what is being required of us. We are being required to show that person love and even make a hero out of them. Jesus laid the perfect example for us in that He was rejected by the Samarians and instead of saying what horrible persons they were He told a parable (the good Samaritan) & made then the hero. In doing this Jesus depicted that he epitomized love, maturity, and greatness.  Jesus did not allow the fact that they were not able to realize the greatness that he possessed or that they did not show him love or acceptance to deter him from doing good. He remained in the character of who he was – the embodiment of good.

This teaches us to have our eyes aligned with the focus on God and who He has called us to be and not ourselves. We have to realize that not everyone has the capacity to celebrate and affirm our greatness. As such we have to learn to love and forgive others as God would. Not holding grudges, shaking off negativity. Let negativity not impact us and cause us to act out of character.  Instead, let it be like water poured on a duck’s back. Don’t allow it to let you loose sight of who you are and who God has called you to be. As you do good to those who have hurt you God will elevate you and cause every desire and dream to come to manifestation. Trust God and wait on Him and you will mount up with wings like eagles.

Prayer: Father sometimes the fantastic opportunities that You have given to us to display You can be challenging. However, in those moments of weakness, we ask for Your strength to superimpose ours. Let us be a reflection of Your love, maturity, and greatness. We desire to be more like You and therefore ask that You continue to mold us into being what You had in mind. We submit ourselves to You completely. Keep our eyes fixed on You so that we do not become distracted by the world’s definition of what greatness or love. Have Your way in us. Amen. 

6/27/17 Dr.R.A.

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