life, Spiritual

Dream Stealers

Have you ever noticed that when you have a goal in mind to accomplish that the actual pathway is paved with obstacles? With each step, you are bombarded with one hurdle after the other. These barriers often seem insurmountable.  If you focus on the challenges, however, you will become daunted and never accomplish the goal. This will result in your dreams being stolen.

Dream stealers come in various innumerable shapes and forms. They are usually disguised as “well-wishers” (family, friends, relatives, society, etc.). The Bible outlined a story of a man named Joseph who had a dream that his family would one day bow down to him. This resulted in his brothers hating him even the more. His brothers hated him to the point that they wanted him dead. One day as he was on his way to see them the saw him afar off and decided that they would kill him when he got closer and see what would become of his dreams. Looking at this story, you may be able to relate as you may have had several experiences of others trying to kill your dream. Nevertheless, dream stealers are not always external. In fact, I would dare to say that the biggest and most potent dream stealers are internal.

It may seem quite alarming, however, that dream stealers can be disguised as your very self. What? You might be saying to yourself that “I am the dreamer how can I be the dream stealer?” Well, to answer your question is very simple. You can be your own dream stealer as you allow the negative thoughts in your mind to dissuade you from taking the first step or to prevent you from continuing along the road to the destination in mind. These thoughts are usually anchored in the soil of guilt and fear and are consistently watered by insecurities.  Hear this may cause you to feel very hopeless. However, all is not lost. I dare to even declare that you will be victorious and your dream of greatness will manifest. How do I know this? Well, because you are still alive and there is still hope while you live.

So what do you need to do? This answer is quite simple.

  1. Simply get up. Get up from where you are. Make a move. Take a step towards that which you want to accomplish.
  2. Put blinders on so that you can focus on the dream and not the peripheral view.
  3. With each step change your mindset from a victim to a victor.

Most importantly remember you were born to win. The victory is already yours as the battle has already been won by the Champion of champions.

1/21/2018 Dr.R.A.

3 thoughts on “Dream Stealers”

  1. I usually have to fight myself the hardest. I doubt my abilities probably more than anyone.

    Oddly enough though, if someone tells me I can’t do something, my negative side suddenly allies with my fighting side to prove that person wrong. My negative side knows how to point out the weak spot, but now it points them out so I can fix them. I’m not sure if that makes sense… but it’s true!

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