
Unrestrained Pleasure


Pleasure is good. However, when pleasure is unrestrained, then it becomes a problem. For example, if eating chocolate gives pleasure then it can be viewed as a good thing, but when too much is consumed, then it becomes a problem for the body. Whenever we indulge in anything, it means that we are allowing that thing to take control of us. Additionally, it means that we are relying on the satisfaction of that thing more than we are relying on God.

We have all been there where we believed that we had to have what we desired. This often leaves us with an enormous price to pay. For example, the cost of losing weight, paying off debt, guilt, etc.

The Bible tells of a man called David who was anointed king of Israel. One day while his men were at war he remained home. He was on his balcony when he saw a beautiful lady bathing. He decided to himself that he had to have her although he knew she was someone else’s wife. His unrestrained pleasure led to an even graver issue as he had to indirectly commit murder in an effort to cover up his wrong.  David, however, did not remain in this state. When confronted by the prophet Nathan he repented for giving in to unrestrained pleasure.

Like David, we too must be willing to turn from giving into unrestrained pleasure. We should purpose in ourselves to surrender all to God. I mean really surrender to the point where we make radical changes for the sake of our spiritual health. Every pleasurable action that we give in to may not be a sin, however, some may just be the weight that is keeping us anchored in the flesh instead of soaring in the spirit.

Today, let us examine ourselves to see what unrestricted pleasure we are indulging in and make significant steps to change. It is time to recalibrate your soul.

2/1/2018 Dr. R.A.

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