

Image result for resist the devil

We often wish that the enemy of our soul would leave us alone forever.

However, that is just wishful thinking as he frequently interferes in our lives trying to ensure it is a living heck.

Notwithstanding, there is a way we can get rid of him.

Most of us are familiar with the text that says “resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

As a matter of fact, we have often tried to resist, and it seems like he will not budge.

It’s as if his foot has been crazy glued permanently in a specific area of our life.

Nonetheless, there is a way to get rid of him.

There is a way to cause him to run out of our lives.

The only way to get this done is to submit our lives to God.

If we yield ourselves completely to the authority of God then we will be able to withstand the action and/or effect of the enemy in our lives.

When we are totally surrendered to God He will give us the authority that is needed to cause the enemy to vamoose out of our lives.

Therefore, submit and get power to resist.


2/1/17 Dr. R.A

via Daily Prompt: Resist

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