life, Spiritual, success

Remove the Veil


remove the veil

Life has a way of veiling our vision so that we are unable to clearly see who we are and who we were designed to be. Our sight gets blurred by life’s experiences. The resounding voices declaring that “you are not good enough,” “you will never become anything,” “you are nobody,” “you will never be anybody,” “you are stupid,” etc., repeats perpetually in the recordings of the mind. These echoes of despair paralyze the slender nerve of effort to achieve. Leaving us laying on the sidelines begging for a handout. The menial contributions further break our spirit causing us to hesitantly plead with closed eyes. However, if we could look again and muster the courage to remove the veil, then we will astonishingly be able to see our worth and abilities.

Our worth without the shadow of a doubt far exceeds the problems that we face. And our abilities are far beyond the thundering sound of naysayers. We were created with innovative and creative abilities that we have not begin to tap into. However, it requires us removing the veils. Remove the veil of doubt. Remove the cloud of fear. Remove the veil of insecurities.Remove the veil of what your mother or father said. Remove the cover of labels that were placed on you. Remove the veil of stagnation. Remove the mask of procrastination. Remove the veil. Peel off one layer at a time until your vision is clear.  We need to remember that we were created in His image and in His likeness.  He took time out to carefully construct every intricate fiber of our being. After construction, He breathed into us. His breath is assurance that we possess His attributes and characteristics, albeit we are imperfect. This simply means that have the same innovative and creative abilities flowing through our veins. And since those abilities flow within us we need not sit back and beg for bread. We should get up and consistently work on our dream. Prodd away one step at a time until we see it manifest before our eyes.

Remember there is nothing to fear but fear itself. That which you hope to accomplish is waiting for you to put in the work. Dig if you must and do not quit. Never forget you have been commanded to be fruitful and multiply and subdue. Rise up and conquer that which is yours.

In my Captain Planet voice “THE POWER IS YOURS!!”

01/02/2018 Dr. R.A.

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