Daily Post, Spiritual


Image result for bitter

Whenever we encounter hurt we feel like we have no choice but to react negatively. This, however, is a very jaded and twisted perspective as we all have the power of choice.  We can choose to be better and not become bitter over a hurtful experience.  I am not saying that it will be the easiest thing to do, but with a little effort, one can achieve what seems impossible at the sight of raw pain.

Bitterness occurs when we allow hurt to fester within our hearts. We meditate and regurgitate every detail of what caused pain.  This causes our heart to become sick and eventually our bodies as poison (hurt, anger, malice, envy, hatred, revenge, etc. ) is being pumped through our veins. So how does one know if they have become bitter? Well, I am glad you asked.  Below are a few indicators of a bitter person.

  1. Holding a Grudge: Forgiveness is not a priority for a person who is bitter. Bitter persons like to hold grudges and nurse the wounds that have been incurred. So if you find yourself nurturing hurtful experience, then chances are you are bitter. If you find yourself constantly talking about what has impacted you, then you are bitter.
  2. Always Negative: Bitter persons are unable to see anything in a positive light.  The glass is always empty for them. There is always things to complain about even when there is nothing to complain about. If you find yourself complaining always complaining chances are you are high on the bitter radar.
  3. Skewed Perspective: Bitter persons think that someone is always looking to hurt them. They are very suspicious of everything and have the attitude “me against the world.” If you think you have to defend yourself against the whole world, then you are bitter.
  4. Attention Seekers: Bitter persons love attention as such they will act out to get the attention they are seeking.  No matter how minor an incident may be, they will make a mountain out of a molehill.
  5. Being Jealous: Bitter persons are usually jealous of others and childish. They seem to think that others have what they want. They feel like they are more deserving of what another person has. If you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others, then you are a bitter person.

So now that you are aware of some of the traits of a bitter person how can you overcome bitterness? Well, the answer is simple. After doing a soul search and acknowledging your location on the bitter radar, forgive. FORGIVE, FORGIVE, FORGIVE and then forgive some more.  Forgive and let things go. Forgive when it hurts until it hurts and let it go. In doing this, you would have freed the individual(s) that has caused harm and also free yourself. You will become a better person for having done this. Remember the Bantu proverb which says ” a bitter heart eats its owner.” Forgive! Let it go and release you from the prison of bitterness.

5/8/2017 Dr. R.A.

via Daily Prompt: Bitter

Daily Post, Spiritual


Image result for none

Who is like the Lord?

Who is like God?

Who else but God can make crooked paths straight?

Who else but God can dry up rivers and seas?

Who else but God can mend a broken heart without surgery?

Who else but God is from everlasting to everlasting?

Who else but God can keep you alive in a burning furnace?

Who else but God can keep you alive in a den of hungry lions?

Who else but God can quench a thirsty soul?

Who else but God can give peace that passes all understanding?

Who else but God can set shrubs on fire, and the bush is not consumed by the flames?

Who else but God knows your every thought and sees your every tear?

Who else but God knows your uprising and downsitting?

Who else but God can satiate every desire?

I could go on and one but I say None

None to all of the above.


5/3/2017 Dr.R.A.

via Daily Prompt: None

Daily Post, Spiritual


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Lord it is not easy not being in control, but today I come asking You to please take control

When I am weak, please take control

When emotions floods my senses, I ask You to take control

At times when I believe I have the handle on life – take control

I surrender my thoughts and ask You to take control

I present my heart to You and ask You to take control

I submit my will to run ahead of You and ask You to take control

When I can’t see clearly – take control

When my strength fails – take control

When it seems like all hope is lost – take control

When discouraged – take control

When I forget just how awesomely amazing You are – take control

Continue to be the Creator, Sovereign One, and Manufacturer of my entire being and take control.

5/3/2017 Dr.R.A.

via Daily Prompt: Control/

Daily Post, Spiritual


Image result for apprentice meme

Always a student never a master

Constantly learning this trade called life

With no guide book or recipe to follow

I boldly place one foot before the other

The scenic routes and adventures are indeed breathtaking

Exposure to various cultures is quite enlightening

Although sometimes I feel like I have attained

Situations occur which reminds me there is still changes to be made

An apprentice is what I will always be

As indispensable skills, I continue to pursue

Not focusing on wages received

So that with the dawn of a new day I can never be replaced

While all the while discovering life’s true meaning.

5/1/2017 Dr.R.A.

via Daily Prompt: Apprentice

Daily Post, life, Spiritual


Image result for climbing

Using both hands and feet

Climbing over hills and mountains so steep

Mountains and hills that seem impossible to climb

Like fears, doubts, hurt, past failures and even lies

Lies uttered regarding my demise

That want to take over and layer the foundation of the thoughts in my mind

Yet I persist

Although sometimes I feel like I am being punished

Suffering bruises due to slipping while missing my grip

Nevertheless, I muster up the courage to persevere

Using every ounce of strength from within

Knowing that glory awaits at the top of my mount

I place a downpayment using my faith as currency

Trusting to believe that I am who You say that I am

And I will achieve everything that You have destined for me

4/16/17 Dr.R.A.

via Daily Prompt: Climbing

Daily Post, Spiritual


Image result for measure

There is no way to measure Your love for me

Your love is wider than all the oceans and the seas combined

Your love is higher than even the heavens above

Your love has captivated me

You shower me with limitless fringe benefits

And expose me to the beauty that is beyond the horizons

You have kept me warm and safe through the winds and rains

And bestow upon me Your immeasurable supply of grace

When I reflect on who You are I cannot help but give You boundless praise.


4/15/17 Dr.R.A.

via Daily Prompt: Measure

Daily Post, life, Self Esteem, Spiritual


Image result for a timely word may lessen stress

Often we think that we should say whatever we feel or whatever we want at any given point. However, I say although you have the ability to speak words should be spoken with caution. This is because words are one of the most powerful weapons that an individual possess. One word may have a profound impact on a person and shape the trajectory of their life. Words can be used as weapons of mass destruction or building tools. When uttered they can never be taken back. Instead, they live on in a person psyche, either propelling them or crippling them from progressing. Remember we live in a voice activated kingdom. As such, we should endeavor to speak a word so timely that it will lessen stress and heal and bless.

4.14.17 Dr.R.A.

via Daily Prompt: Timely

Daily Post, life, Self Esteem, Spiritual


Image result for unravel def

You unraveled the negative thoughts that I had tightly woven of myself

Thoughts solidified by the lies told by voices both internally and externally

Thoughts that left me constantly carrying the weight of  feelings of  defeat, unworthiness, regret and shame

You liberated me from defining myself by the wreckage of my past

My name is no longer, broken, shattered, forsaken, unlovable, wretched, undone, etc

You continue to unravel my true identity

I now walk in liberty because of the stripes that You bore for me and the fact that You hung on Calvary’s tree

I am forever grateful for the price that You paid for me

4/11/17 Dr.R.A.

via Daily Prompt: Unravel

Daily Post, Spiritual


Image result for tenacious Image result for trust

Your grip on me is tenacious

Preventing me from slipping

Holding tightly You pull me up

Until my foot is firmly placed on solid ground.

Even when I think I can’t make it and want to walk away

Your love tenaciously constrains me

Giving me strength for another day

Had it not been for Your grip I would certainly fail

So I am eternally grateful for this tenacious love affair.


4/10/17 Dr.R.A.

via Daily Prompt: Tenacious

Daily Post, Spiritual


Image result for blindly

Called to walk a path unknown

Forging through even crossroads

Along mountain sides and even valleys low

No giving into my feelings or the things I see

But instead, trusting You blindly to lead the way

To obtain the promise and possess an inheritance.

Some may think I am crazy walk so blindly

But I say “what is the need for hope if I can see it plainly?”

So I continue to trod while asking You to make my faith strong

Until I can tangibly touch that which You have designed and destined for me.

4/10/17 Dr.R.A.

via Daily Prompt: Blindly